How do I pay if I want to bring an accompanying guest in an event2025-01-08T16:08:39+02:00

If you are a member with active subscription and you want to bring an accompanying guest, then log in with your personal credentials and buy as many event “products” as you wish. Pay for them and send us an email with the name of the guests.

If you are a non-member, follow the procedure by adding into your cart as many event “products” as you wish, then fill the registration form and complete the payment. Don’t forget to sent us an email with the name of the guests.


Login, Logout, Lost Password etc2025-01-08T15:38:17+02:00

Links like : login, register, logout, password reset etc, are under the “Members” submenu in the main head menu.

Some of them are not visible until you log in.

I want to register my wife/husband/child etc2025-01-08T15:36:18+02:00

Every registered member must use it’s own email address. That means that for every extra member you want to register, you must use the same sequence method -> Register to the site by filling the registration form, buy subscription, pay subscription (even with the same credit card).


When you first register under your name, you are logged in, in the site with your personal credentials. You MUST first log out before register another member.

You will see a notification in the registration form like the one in the following image :

Screenshot Signout

I don’t know/remember my password2025-01-08T15:22:55+02:00

In case you don’t know your password or you don’t remember it, follow the link for “lost password” in the main menu, under the Members sub-menu or visit directly the following link :


Then you will have to enter your email (the one you have used when you first register your account) and an email will come in your inbox, asking to follow a link where you can write your new password.

How do I register as a member and how can I pay my annual subscription2025-01-08T15:18:38+02:00

Please follow the instructions :


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