*Save the Date* – Gala Dinner to honor the Greek Olympic winners of the Olympic Games “Paris 2024”
The President and the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Community of Monaco are delighted to inform you to save the date for a Gala Dinner in the presence of
HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco (Member of the IOC) and Mr Spyros Capralos (President of the HOC, EOC and Member of the IOC) to honor the Greek Olympic winners of the Olympic Games “Paris 2024”,
Thursday November 14, 2024 at 19.00 pm
Venue : The Yacht Club of Monaco
Tables :
Blue Table : 1.500 Euros per person
Red Table : 1200 Euros per person
Yellow Table : 800 Euros per person
Green Table : 400 Euros per person
Please note that for Blue and Red tables the CHM will give priority to people purchasing the entire table.
There will be a live performance by a renowned Greek artist.
Part of the proceeds from the event will benefit the Greek Olympic Committee and the Monegasque Olympic Committee.
For Reservations please e-mail : President@communautehellenique.mc
Payments should be made by check made to the order of CHM or wire transfers to the CHM bank account : IBAN: MC58 3000 3015 0400 0372 7089 578, BIC: SOGEMCM1.