ELECTIONS UPDATE: The General Assembly will validate the new BOD of the CHM

Published On: 30/11/2023
Persons E Chm

The candidates fill in the seats of the BOD, so only the AGM approval and validation will be required.

Dear CHM members,
We would like to update you on the process of the New Board of CHM:
The deadline for candidacy submissions expired on Saturday 25th November 2023. The current Board examined and validated the profiles of the candidates according to the CHM regulations. There were finally 8 candidates and considering that our Articles of Association state that the Board of Directors can have up to 8 members, thus representing the exact number of seats at the Board of Directors, the election process by the members will not be required anymore.
The names of the CHM members who will consist the new Board of Directors, will be announced on Sunday January 14th 2024, after the official approval and validation by the General Assembly of the CHM, that will take place at the YCM.