Published On: 28/11/2023
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We inform you that the Kermesse de l’Oeuvre Oecuménique will take place on Saturday December 2, 2023, at the Chapiteau Espace Fontvieille, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
To fill the stand with sweet or savory dishes, please contact Ms. Christina Verevis at 06 79 86 56 32 or the Parish office of the Saint Spyridon Church on 04 93 85 21 16. Throughout the day, you can taste Greek mezes and cakes but also buy Greek products.
In-Kind offerings:
Dear members, if you have anything to donate, it will be greatly appreciated. Stands include: old or new: adults and children’s clothes and shoes, English and French books, toys, gadgets, electrics, games, bags, jewellery, sports stuff etc. please inform Tanya +33 6 80 86 91 67 (she could manage a pick up of goods)