ELECTIONS ΑNNOUNCEMENT  For the selection of a new Administrative Board of Directors of the Hellenic Community of Monaco

Published On: 10/11/2023
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Dear members,

We would like to announce the elections for the selection of a new Board of Directors of the community, for a three-year term, who will assume its duties from January 15, 2024.The elections will last three (3) days on Wednesday 10, Thursday 11 and Friday 12 January 2024.The votes will be counted on Saturday January 13th and the results will be announced on Sunday January 14th during the event of the Vasilopita at the YCM.Any member who wishes to vote in person may visit the CHM Headquarters on the above days at the Brooks Brothers store located on the ground floor of the Yacht Club de Monaco (during 11.00 -17.30).Any member who does not wish to physically move may send an authorization naming another member to vote in his/hers place (the authorization is attached).CONDITIONS FOR VOTING:There are three conditions for someone to vote and they are all necessary and complementary:• He/she must be an adult Greek or Cypriot citizen or have Greek or Cypriot Nationality and• Must be a permanent resident of Monaco or a resident in one of the four surrounding areas of Cap d’Ail, Turbie, Beausoleil and Rocquebrune, excluding the rest of the Côte d’Azur area, and finally• Must be a member in good standing by the day the election is announced, ie must have paid their membership for the year 2023 prior to the publication of this announcement.CONDITIONS FOR CANDIDATES:The conditions for a member to be a candidate for Board Member based on the Articles of Ascociation are the same as above with the following clarification:The Chairman of the Board of Directors must be a resident of Monaco and he or she must be fluent in oral and written French.Finally, any member who wishes to run as a candidate and meets all the above requirements must notify the Board of Directors in writing at the email of CHM info@old.communautehellenique.mc during a 15 day period following the announcement of the elections, by sending at the same time the required documents (Resident Permit, passport or ID and a utility bill).Yours sincerelyThe Board of Directorsof the Hellenic Community of Monaco